Thursday, December 10, 2009

Socialism-Some Steps to Take to Fight It Now

Is anyone ready to start fighting the government takeover, yet?

If you haven't already done so:

*Be informed.  This is the number one requirement on any issue.

*Register to vote so you will be ready to vote in the primaries and local elections.

*As soon as you know who is running for ANY office, start learning as much as you can about them so you can make an INFORMED vote.

*Keep up with legislation as well as you can (Pelosi, Reid and the Democrats are making this difficult) so you can contact those in power and tell them how you want them to vote, then keep the pressure on.

*Participate in a tea party event or join an online group or a local group that supports your ideas and beliefs.

*Learn the lingo & about how the government is supposed to work.

*Sign up for news alerts from Fox and other sources (to keep it balanced) by email to do with politics.

*Join Twitter (this is the one I use) and only make "friends" with news groups or agencies that will provide you with the latest news from a variety of sources and views on the topics of your choosing, then check it often for the latest updates.

*Follow groups of interest on Facebook.

*Read papers, watch the news on TV, discuss it with your friends.

*Share with your friends and family what you have learned and then ask that they share it, also.

*Make up your own mind about how YOU feel about issues, but be sure that you have sufficient information to do so.

There are other things you can do but this will get you started. Please, please get involved. It really is your and your children's futures that are at stake. If you have questions, you can email me from Facebook, direct mail me from Twitter, or leave a comment here.

I love this country and do not want to see the foundation on which it was built totally destroyed so sharing information and my concerns with others is my way of trying to make a difference in this battle for it's survival.

1 comment:

  1. Well my dear friend some good points and as you know me I am already in the game and will continue locally, statewide and nationally. I am calling multiple times a week and am not bashful in speaking my mind. I do control my voice level and the words I use are said unafraid. I am a son of the Living God and I fear NO man. What can they do send me to heaven? I appreciate your writing very much... Keep it coming!!
    Your friend Bob
