Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Fighting for Our Country's Survival

This was written and posted in 2012 during Obama's reign.. Has anything changed?
You know, most people have their eyes closed to what is happening in the White House.  With some of you, I know I’m speaking to the choir.  To all of you, I ask that you consider Obama’s agenda.  There are so many things that point to him taking over as a dictator and if you will look further into his background, his connections with communists, his Muslim faith, his executive orders, his “overheard” private conversations, his and his wife’s disdain for America, his lack of or refusal to produce records, his constantly causing different groups of people to consistently clash by supporting questionable issues (racism, illegal immigration, gay rights, abortion, anything to separate us and cause dissension between us), his threats to even his fellow liberals/socialists to go along to get along, his flagrantly bypassing Congress to get his way, his challenge to the judicial system that they are not worthy to challenge his Obamacare law and now his full support of gay marriage in spite of a majority of states NOT supporting it. 

Ask yourself, “what is his goal and how much catastrophic damage can he do to the United States Constitution without worrying about another election in 2016, if he gets re-elected in 2012?

Exactly when, did “we, the people” lose control of our government?  How long have we been asleep and can we, now, wake up and make a difference in time to save our country?  In my opinion, we are fighting for our very existence.

I know some of you think that I am radical, at times, but look around you.  Look at what has happened to Europe as they went the same way we’re headed?  France, now has a Socialist president.  Greece is going through economic meltdown along with several other countries.  Muslims are taking over many nations and are here, trying to get the judicial system infiltrated with Sharia Law and away from ours. 

The facts are before you, my friends.  Look beyond the “fairness” of sending back illegals to their rightful country.  Look beyond the  one-world mentality.  Look beyond the special rights given to homosexuals.  Look beyond the “freedom of religion” misnomer. Look beyond the bailouts and the buying of votes and the backroom deals.

What you will see is Lady Liberty trying to hold onto the United States Constitution and preserve our freedoms as given to us by our forefathers.  What you will see is, because of the Constitution, we have been the greatest nation on earth.  What you will see is that with a free market system, and the encouragement of entrepreneurship, many, many jobs, corporations, tax generation, self-accomplishment, self-respect, rewards and work ethics have grown and grown.  What you will see is that we all are guaranteed freedoms and that no one should be put above another with “special rights.” 

When we put America first, we will again, rise above the rest of the world and once again, be a nation to fear.  We will be self-sufficient and proud of who we are… Americans.  We will come together as Americans, like we did on 9/11.  We will no longer be Something-Americans, but Americans, working together to pull this country back up by its bootstraps and stand tall among nations. We must no longer be divided by race, gender, age, or political party.  We must put things back in order.  We must protect States’ rights as well as personal.  We must be able to stand before God and say that we did all we could do to preserve this land that He provided for us many years ago. 

Please, if you have never voted Republican before, please, please, do not vote for Obama or other Democrats (Progressive, Socialist, Left, or whatever they are going by now.)  Don’t just “not vote” because that may be a vote for them anyway.  Participate in your government.  Stand up and speak your mind, while you still have that freedom (Christians are losing that one.)  Vote for the best candidates.  Contact them after they have been elected and let them know how you feel and that you will not tolerate them becoming career politicians with their best interest at heart instead of yours.  Be an activist in the survival of your country.  Be a Patriot.

If you don’t, it will not be long before you won’t have to worry about it, because our freedoms will have been lost, just like in Germany when the people chose Hitler to lead them.  You have been warned over and over throughout history about what is happening now and the end result is devastating.  Don’t assume that someone else will fix things because it will take us all standing up to the socialist regime in the White House, Congress and the Judiciary. 

If you have never learned the reason that being a Republic is so special, please find out soon.

I love my country and the people in it….all of them, but I do not want to live under a dictator or a government too big to be run by “we, the people.”  I’m not guaranteeing that Romney or any Republican has the answer or can immediately fix the problem, but I do guarantee that whoever is in the White House will be better than the Socialist that we have now and that we will at least be headed in the right direction.

A Patriot in love with this country

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