{The deliberations of the Constitutional Convention of
1787 were held in strict secrecy. Consequently, anxious citizens gathered
outside Independence Hall when the proceedings ended in order to learn what had
been produced behind closed doors. The answer was provided immediately. A Mrs.
Powell of Philadelphia asked Benjamin Franklin, “Well, Doctor, what have we got,
a republic or a monarchy?” With no hesitation whatsoever, Franklin responded,
“A Republic, if you can keep it.” (Benjamin Franklin)}
When we were in school, we pledged our allegiance to this
great country and we learned the real history of how we won and kept our
independence. At home, we saw our parents be examples for us, many of whom had
been to war themselves. We were taught discipline and respect. We, also,
believed that most people were good and loved this country like we do.
We did NOT have any way of knowing the political agenda
of the liberal left nor where it would lead. We trusted that the Constitution
would protect us forever. We were taught that the three branches of government
were equal and would keep each other in line.
What we did not realize was that money and power can
totally corrupt not only a single person, but could even involve many in our
government. That was supposed to be handled by our Constitution. We did not
even consider that the Supreme Court would legislate from the bench instead of
When things begin to surface like the Roe vs Wade
decision, we knew it was bad, but still trusting that our court system still
had our backs, we blew it off thinking it didn't really involve us, or in many
cases, because of the times and the way it was presented to us, we believed it
was a right every woman should have. Keep in mind at the time that it was in
the height of the women’s movement so it appeared to be a good thing to have a
choice. It was never presented as murder and really never talked about other
than an abstract idea that we, the women, “won.”
When Madeline O’Hare fought to have prayer removed from
school, once again, we we believed as the Supreme Court told us...that it violated
our Constitution. We still trusted our government to work.
Over the years we have lost much of our freedom at the
hands of bad choices of judges on the Supreme Court, Executive Orders we didn't
even know existed until Obama’s first term, and a Congress that caters to
Special Interests Groups instead of “we, the people.” We were taught to handle these things at the
ballot box. We were taught in church that as Christians, all we needed to do
was pray and God would handle our problems.
So, yes, we have allowed our government to be left in the
hands of elected officials that we should have been able to trust. The problem
is that their goals have become whatever can get them re-elected (which usually is a very narrow window of BS rhetoric), not what “we,
the people” elected them to do.
Recently we have seen a Republican Congress
allow a Democrat President Obama get away with almost everything he wanted to do
without a fight, allowing our Constitution, our flag, our safety, and our peace, to
be forever changed. Then 4 years of President Trump being persecuted for everything you can think of, yet doing a great job of getting this country back on the right track. Now, another 4 years of a Democrat President Biden destroying our America by providing open borders for a starter, fuel and grocery prices soaring out of control, forgiving student debt so we all have to pay it back for them, giving the Iranians 6 billion dollars that gets used to attack our friend, Israel, among many more destructive things for our beloved country.
Not only the Democrats, but some Republicans need to start thinking with their own minds instead of listening to "disinformation" or LIES that the "Mainstream Media" are throwing out there about the way things are going.
We CAN do something about it. We ARE "We, the People." We are supposed to control this country, but are not being allowed to do so, by either party. I see us as the TRUNK of the proverbial tree that represents government. We hold up the branches, like the Legislative, Executive, and Judicial ones. The grassroots and the trunk are fed by the earth, water, and nutrients that surround the tree holding up the branches. They, in turn, keep the branches up there. They, also, can allow it to fall by keeping watch on how heavy each branch gets when the people that make up that branch get too fat on the power, money or prestige they bring with them.
Activism is for everyone if you want to do everything in
your power to at least retain the freedom we have left. It is your
responsibility as an American citizen.
The question now becomes…how are you being active in returning the governance of this country back to "We, the People?"
A. Do you know how to contact your
elected officials? Do you contact
B. Do you know how the
House and Senate consider bills?
C. Are you keeping up with laws
they're considering?
D. Do they
know your name and do they contact you?
E. Does the newspaper
editor know your name?
F. Do you keep
yourself informed by reputable news sources?
G. Do you have political discussions with friends, family and neighbors?
H. Do you prepare for and attend Town
I. Do you, not only PRAY, but ACT, as
God leads you to do?
J. Vote in every election!
K. Run for election.
L. Work at the election polls.
M. Work in your candidate's campaign.
is a very long, but profound and explanatory article concerning the
differences between a democracy and republic. A republic is a form of
democratic government system. It always comes down to "We, the People"
ruling our government. Find out why and how: Democracy-Representation, Equality.Participation | Britannica
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