Will we ever be free to once again make capitalism flourish? How often have we sat by and thought that the government will take care of us and keep us safe? Or how many times do we depend on the government to be sure that our pay is fair and our freedoms protected? How many of us protested when Madeline O'Hare instigated that prayer be removed from school? How many of us called, wrote, faxed, or emailed our Congressmen (women) and Senators to keep "In God We Trust" on our currency and coins or "Under God" in the Pledge of Allegiance? How many were eager to buy into the "Cash for Clunkers" program knowing it is our own tax dollars paying for it? Did you let your representatives know that capitalism does work but bail-outs don't and that the big companies were on their own just like the little ones?
You must know that it is you, your children and your grandchildren that are going to be paying for all of the trillions of dollars of money that is being spent right now, don’t you? It is all of the above that will suffer under an atheist government or worse a Muslim one.
What are you doing to protect our way of life as free Americans-the lifestyle that pulled in masses of people from every country-that basic freedom of life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?
Are you waiting on your piece of the government pie that "we, the people" are baking with our tax dollars? Or are you working or at least looking for work?
Employers… are you hiring illegal immigrants? Or are you putting American citizens or "green card" holders to work? If your business pays out too many millions of dollars in bonuses to your top employees, should you be exempt from failing? No. There will be someone else to take your place…survival of the fittest...capitalism. You start a business, hire employees, produce a product, sell the product, pay bills, pay employees, put profits in the bank, start another business, and take a vacation…Capitalism. Even if you suffer a loss, you have to forget the vacation, but it is America and you can start all over…Capitalism. It is also the best way to spread the wealth! Employees must actually work, get paid, and buy stuff from a store so their employees can work, get paid, and buy stuff from other stores, etc.-Capitalism at work, again. Big employer, big business, many employees... Even small business, few employees, money still trickles down...Spreading the wealth through hard work and determination, fair wages and a deserved increase in one’s self esteem!
Just think about your responsibility in the survival of the American Dream. Do you want to be able to start your own company? Or pass the company you have down to your children? Or work for someone else so your time is your own and still get paid well? Do you want to have to pay a good chunk of your hard earned dollars to a union, so that you are allowed to work? Do you want to continue to be able to work two jobs so that your family can have more? Forget Wall Street and the media's description of capitalism. You figure out what it means to you. It is not a Republican term, although most would support it. It is not a derogatory Democratic term, even though some would have you believe it's a bad thing. Capitalism is the foundation that the productiveness of this country is based on. It is the freedom to work as you see fit. It’s about choices.
The alternative that is being offered up right now by the Obama administration is socialism or worse, Marxism. The government takes everything over with promises of making things better (that hope and change thing) and runs all aspects of the country through forcing unions into the workplace, appointing non-vetted czars that are controlled only by the president, to head up all the different aspects of the new departments just created by the bailouts and taking control through illegal legislation by judges and Congress. The government tells you what you can do, when you can do it and where. It tells you how much you can make and where you can spend it and what doctor you can use and what treatment you can get. States' rights will go right out of the window. Of course, the upside is that you don't have to think at all. They do that for you also. You will be given an allowance to pay for a place to live in the town of their choosing depending on the work they allow you to perform. The 5% of your income you have left after they pull their fair share out of it to pay for all of these advantages of sharing the wealth, sending the union bosses on vacations with their million dollar salaries and taking care of all the illegal immigrants and others that only draw from the system, but don't pay into it, will have to be used to bury your parents because the government run healthcare system has denied them treatment due the fact they are non-productive citizens and the cost cannot be justified, and to buy medicine on the black market for your children because the quota given to the local hospital didn't cover the demand.
The "Company" at this point will not be the capitalist owners that pay you according to the work you perform allowing you to determine how your money is to be allocated, but instead will be the government that pays you what it pays everyone else, whether they work or not. Spreading the wealth in this type of society is not giving you money that the “fat cat” corporation owners are making, it is taking all of the profits from all of the companies now owned by the government, taking out their money first (that goes to pay Congress, judges, all who run the government, union bosses, healthcare, housing allowances, utility allowances, illegal immigrant welfare, etc.) then dividing up equally the rest of the piddly amount that is left between anyone not listed above no matter whether you have a PHD or just began training in your field.
Granted, the above scenarios could be a little "out there" but don't think it couldn't happen. The Liberals would love to be able to have the power to dictate all things to "we, the people" making them demi-gods in their own perverted minds. They have been trying for years.
Don't get me wrong, either. I am not against Democrats. I am anti-Liberal. I am in favor of a small central government. I believe in states' rights. I believe in the rights of "we, the people" above both of those. I believe that God is the foundation of our government proven by the documents left by our forefathers of this country; proven by the success of this great nation up to the point that we started taking God out. You can see the beginning of the decline at that point.
Our preacher says that he doesn't see the problems with this country as God's judgment on it because the judgments of the Old Testament are explosive and final (my words, not his.) He may be right, but I see it as God turning his back on us and leaving us (us, as a country) to wallow in the mud of our own making like the unrighteous that Paul describes in Romans 1, because we turned our back on Him, the lover of our souls. This happens a lot in the Old Testament. I know Jesus died to reconcile us back to God, but we must make the decision to repent as a nation and turn back to Him for that salvation and forgiveness. Once, again, a choice must be made.
I see the choice being made a little more each day. I see "we, the people" waking up and taking notice that our beloved country as we knew it has changed and that we need to do something about it before it is too late. I know that Rush Limbaugh, Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity, Mark Levin and Fox News Network sometimes seem to be way "out there,” but people, the way it is now is not the way our parents were raised or me, either, for that matter. I still get tears in my eyes when I hear the Star Spangled Banner or see the US Flag in a rodeo grand entry. We were raised to be proud of our country. The country has changed though and it is not the way our country was intended to be, nor is it the way the constitution was written nor meant to be followed. Not all, but a good bit of that change has happened in the last few months. I don’t even blame Obama and the Liberals for all of it. I do get tired of hearing that it was all Bush, though.
This country has survived and blossomed by the sweat of our collective brows. It doesn't matter what color you are or aren't. It isn't a color issue and if you think so, you had better do some soul searching. It has taken all colors and races to get this nation to the pinnacle of greatness. We have worked side by side for many years. If you think about it, the Irish were frowned upon. So were the Japanese. It wasn’t just the Africans that were brought over as slaves. The Mexicans have had their share of bigotry. Yes, there are still bigots out there on all sides. Yes, we have to deal with those as they become problems, but for the most part, I think most will agree that color is no longer the issue that it used to be. I mean we have a black president. That is an accomplishment and his color doesn't bother me one bit. I don't think it would bother most people if he wasn't so radical in his thinking. His liberal views are his downfall, not his color. If you will look into the reports by the news media, it is the Democrats that bring up race issues, not the Republicans or any of the grassroots organizations popping up everywhere. Just a little side note here, my Irish ancestry and my Cherokee ancestry could have caused me to be full of hatred, but no one in this century has treated me any differently than anyone else. My point here, is that the hatred is in the past to be left there in the slave quarters of the plantations, in the streets of old New York, on the Trail of Tears. Let’s move forward and show the world how we can let go of these past wounds, heal and work together to become proud to be Americans. That is why we live here, right?
Why can the Liberals not understand the we actually have thoughts that are not based on race, like, “Why are you lying to me?” Or “Why are you not fixing Social Security and Medicare instead of jacking with our healthcare? Or “Why are you not on Social Security or Medicare? Or “How much is your retirement that I'm paying out of my grocery money?”
It will never be the same and it has nothing to do with race. It is our own fault, we have sat idly by and done nothing to stop the eroding away of our rights by our government. This has not just been only since January, when the new president took office and we got a liberal controlled Congress, either.
I think it is past time that we, the people, the conservative, working middle class of America step in and say, "Enough!"
Enough… to all elected officials not doing what they were elected to do… the will of the people.
Enough… Liberals/Democrats ramming and jamming legislation through Congress without even reading it.
Enough… Conservatives/Republicans/Independents not standing up to the Liberals. We aren’t hearing much about that in the news.
Enough… Kay Bailey-Hutchinson. You have been elected to be our Senator, representing our interests in the United States Senate, but you have decided that being our governor is more to your liking. Look at the State of the Union! We need your FULL ATTENTION AND VOTE in the Senate right now. Texas is doing just fine and better than most states to warrant you pulling your attention away from the job you were elected to do. This is not good timing!
Enough… Governor Perry. I think you are a great leader for our state, but I would like to hear more out of you concerning politics on the national level and how it pertains to our great state than who has signed on to back your campaign. This just isn’t the time for it.
Enough… Senators John Cornyn, Kay Bailey-Hutchison and Representative Mac Thornberry. We don’t hear you standing up and making waves against the Liberals, either. Your “You Tube” videos are not making the grade. We need to see and hear the voices of the statesmen that you are supposed to be, standing up against the headliners, Obama, Pelosi, Reid, etc. We hear nothing noteworthy, even on Fox News. Sure you go on the morning shows and talk about your differences, but there’s no fire. We have to get that from Hannity or Limbaugh. There’s something wrong with that picture.
Enough… News media. We want you to be fair and unbiased in your reporting. We support the advertisers in your papers, on your radio shows and on your television stations, but we don’t have to. They probably make stuff in China or Taiwan, anyway. The grassroots movement that you are making fun of and not taking seriously, can have a devastating impact on your bottom dollar, if you don’t clean up your act. Do not underestimate us simply because we do not appear to be organized. It will only take ONE act or ONE person to cause the people to come together. Do not think your jobs will be protected. We only ask for unbiased reporting.
Enough… Preachers. The Word says that we are to be watchmen, warning the people in times of danger. Better read up on it. If you know it’s coming and you do not warn the people, God’s wrath will be on you! Quit being afraid to preach the Bible. Encourage people to question their government leaders and to press them to do the will of God and “we, the people.” Encourage them to get to know the leaders they are voting into power before they vote. Provide the information for them. Remind them that God allows us to make our own choices, but then He also allows us to pay the consequences for those choices.
Enough…Sarah Palin. I would vote for you for President, but you need to decide to be in politics or not. We need a leader and we need someone that will stand up to the Liberals now, not next year or the next election. Are you that person?
There is just so much going on right now that is like teetering on a tightrope. This country is in make or break mode.
Even IF the news media straightened up AND the leaders actually started listening to “we, the people” AND “we, the people” actually started coming together as Americans, one people, one nation, under God, would the United States of America ever attain the greatness she once had? I don't think that it will ever be the same, but I do think that we can get our pride and respect back....but we're going to have to hurry....
You can go to the Website for Charters of Freedom to view the Constitution in a larger format.
Give me some feedback! What do you think? Leave a comment. I read the comments, BTW, before I allow them to post on the website, so if you don’t want me to put your name on them, or to publish them, let me know that in the comment as well.
Well you said it all. Who would ever have thought in our lifetime we would ever have seen what is unfolding right before our eyes. I remember in recent times hearing words about the "Silent Majority". Well the silence has been going on for many decades and as God's word says "you reap what you sow". We are reaping what we have sown again for decades. What a legacy we are leaving for our children and grandchildren. Our fathers, mothers and grandparents sacrificed and look what we have done. Greed, lack of morals, integrity, honesty, truthfulness have blinded us to what is right. Today we are living in a time where what is right is wrong and what is wrong is right. What an example we have set for the younger generations. No wonder we have all the problems with children - fatherless homes are everywhere. We live as orphans not as "sons of the Living God". Family has become a word that is attacked at every opportunity. None of this is a surprise to God! We have been given freewill to make choices and we have chosen and are seeing the consequences unfold right before our eyes. And many walk around in a stupor and can't understand why things are happening as they are. If God be for us who can be against us. Draw closer to God each day as the world spins out of control.
ReplyDeleteYour friend Bob