Thursday, January 7, 2010

Getting Into Politics

I recently left my comfort zone and signed up to get on the ballot for the County Republican Party Chair.  It is a lot more responsibility than I ever expected.  Tomorrow is my first meeting to observe how things are done on the county level.

I want to tell those of you that don't know me this.... 

I believe: in the Godly foundation of our country; that the United States Constitution is not a living document that changes with every whim of Liberal thought; in the sanctity of life whether an unborn child,  handicapped or elderly; in "we, the people" being the voice of the government; that the Federal government should be small; that States' rights should be protected; that the freedoms we are guaranteed should be fought for; that the military be supported and any war entered into should be fought to win; that we are a Sovereign Nation and bow down to no one; that we are a Christian Nation and many more ideals that support family and Christian values.

As long as the Republican Party supports most of those values as well, I will support it.

I support the intentions of the tea parties and patriot groups as well.  I do not however, think introducing a new party or parties is the way to get the "old school politicians" out of office.  If new parties form, they will result in splitting the conservative vote and allowing the liberals to win by default.  We don't want to do that.

Please join me in taking back our government starting from the ground floor....the county level.  Vote for the person that will represent how you think the best, not because he or she "has been in office forever and must be doing something right"  or because their name is familiar or they go to church with your mother.  It's time each of us get involved in our government.  It's time that our elected officials do the jobs that they are elected to do to the very best of their abilities and it's time that we see to it that they do!  They are accountable to us, "we, the people" and they need to be reminded of that in every election, in every council meeting and commissioners meeting, in every vote on the Senate floor and every committee discussion in the House on both the state and federal levels.

Barry Goldwater once said that a government big enough to give you everything you want is big enough to take everything you have. That is one of my favorite quotes.  It particularly applies now as the Democrats are trying to pass laws in back rooms and out of public view.  So, as my mother says, "Be careful what you wish for!" 

Carefully consider what party best represents your ideals.  If you are unsure what each party's platform is or what they believe, look it up on the Internet.  I'm pushing the Republican Party.  I joined it as soon as I discovered that Obama didn't have a foundation to stand on, on any level and that people were following him like the Pied Piper because he stood for some unknown "hope and change."  I did not want to be associated with any party that would support the kind of candidate that had no strong beliefs and it's proving to be the right decision.  I researched what the Republican Party stood for, looked into the candidates, joined the party and here I am, fighting the Liberal Left however I can. 

That's all for now.  I'm sure that I'll be back regularly with updates on the elections.  Y'all know me, I have an opinion on just about everything!


  1. Well as usual a thought provoking post. I am proud of your taking a stand and getting involved. I will be looking forward to your posts as the election activities pick up the pace. Will be interested in what takes place in the governor's race. Kay Bailey looks like she is trying to bring DC to Texas. I wouldn't vote for her again if she was running for dog catcher. As the saying goes " you go girl" keep the posts coming and best to you in getting involved in these troubled times. You certainly aren't a bench warmer!!
    Your friend Bob

  2. I think its great that you're willing to do this. It'll probably be a short career. Most people don't really want to hear the's just too devisive! You are the type of person we need here and in Washington but i'm afraid that this system of government has become so corrupt, there is no saving it. Not that we shouldn't try, but i'm very cynical. There is also, that certain book called the Bible, where God pretty much promises that things will end up the way they're going now. I'm not entirely certain that the energy needed for this fight wouldn't be of better use for the Kingdom rather than the County or the Country for that matter. I don't mean to discourage... just to provoke a different thought process. I too have no use for a Washington liberal republican trying to run the great state of Texas. Perry comes up with enough wacky ideas (although he appears to have become a little more conservative lately) without bringing all that Washington nonsense into the mix. Kay Baily would immediately have her hand out for some of that DC cash. At least we can be proud of ol Rick for telling Obama to shove it! Lonestargreg
