Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Why I Identify with This Quote

"There is in every true woman's heart, a spark of heavenly fire, which lies dormant in the broad daylight of prosperity, but which kindles up and beams and blazes in the dark hour of adversity."-Washington Irving, The Sketch Book

For several years I tried, with all I had, to really immerse myself into doing "God's work."  I really felt that I was supposed to use my "spark of heavenly fire" to spread the gospel through leading a Bible Study, a Women's Group, publishing a newsletter, attending intercessory prayer meetings, and trying to pour myself into all "church" activities.  I won't go into why I'm not doing those things, but for a year or so, I was so depressed by the way things turned out, I didn't do anything but stay home and try to understand how I could have misunderstood so devastatingly what I thought the Holy Spirit had told me.  My "spark of heavenly fire" almost went out completely. 

Then little by little, the fire began to burn brighter.  A path was opening up for me that I knew was where I was supposed to be and why I was supposed to be moving along it. 

The "dark hour of adversity" moved in on me through the nomination of Obama for president.  It hit me so hard that I was moved to immediately identify with the Republican Party and more importantly with right wing conservatives. 

I have come to see our way of life threatened by the encroachment of big government, by basing that government on human efforts instead of Godly foundations, by the destruction of a free market system, by the socialization of our healthcare, by the lies, secrets, bribes and takeover by people that care nothing about "we, the people," only power-grabbing by themselves. 

The "dark hour of adversity" is continuing on, so I, like most mothers when feeling like her family is being threatened, am experiencing that "spark of heavenly fire" blaze up and burn brightly.  I am still following the path that I think God intended me to follow. 

I have thought for several years that I was called to be a watchman.  I think that is where politics comes in.  I have been called to watch and warn of the impending attacks by the enemy, in this case the liberals that want to take our freedoms away.  I have moved in the most effective way I could for a time such as this.  My "fire" is being utilized to warn you, the people through my writing, my social networking, and entering the political arena through the office of Republican Party of Jack County Chair allowing me to be vocal and to promulgate conservative values as the basic Godly foundation of at least Jack County.

My "fire" has been kindled, is beaming and blazing as I march in defiance to the liberal attempts of taking over MY REPUBLIC, THE UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.

So when you read Washington Irving's quote every time you get on my blog, I hope it ignites your "heavenly fire" and keeps it burning brightly in the fight for our freedom.

1 comment:

  1. Another post that speaks some profound words. I too have been called to be a watchman on the wall. Yet it seems that many in my circle of family and friends have turned the lights out and are just going with the flow. Many say they haven't felt the impact of the "change" being talked about so they just don't have a sense of urgency to do anything. In some ways my spark has grown dimmer as it seems those around me and many in this country have become complacent and just don't seem to care anymore. My fire is still burning but it seems to be much smaller than it needs to be. I am dealing with other things in my life that at times seem to be overwhelming. I know that many people are hoping for November to be a time for "change" to come forth to right this sinking ship. Yet there are so many who have their hands out for freebies that the numbers of people who still care may be fast becoming a minority with their voting power diminished. I pray that isn't the case but we will see what comes forth in November.
    Your friend Bob
