Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Ode to My Sisters

My youngest sister is awesome!  She works in College Administration taking on responsibilities that really should be delegated to someone else, but she does them joyfully, anyway.  She can plan a party for a thousand or a wonderful dinner for two.  She has learned to decorate cakes, makes gingerbread houses, creates all kinds of crafty things and has a theme for everything!

She organizes neighborhood get-togethers, takes friends the produce of her culinary talents, keeps a pictorial diary of her life and publishes it on Cozi so we can all share in her adventures as well!

Her home is always immaculate, gorgeously decorated for each season, and has seen many a gathering of happy friends and family.

I love her because.... she is my baby sister and she is awesome!

My younger sister is awesome!  She can create anything, given the availability of materials.  She can run a huge quilting machine or put a tiny quilt block together.  She can plan a child's party for a princess or a dragon slayer and make each child feel the part.  She also, has a theme for everything.

She can create beautiful Homecoming Mums, a wedding gown, or a tutu for a Fairy Princess.   Her quilts are gorgeous and she keeps her family wrapped in the warmth of her love.

Her personality keeps me laughing whenever I am around her and her quick wit is amazing.  Always willing to do anything and go anywhere, she is the life of any gathering and she can be found by following her wonderful laugh.

I love her because .... she is my younger sister and she is awesome!


  1. My older sister...What can I say? She is the strongest, most opinionated person I know. And as Martha would say "That's a very good thing"! She believes in truth, justice, and the American way, and she stands by her convictions.

    She's a sounding board and more often than not the voice of reason to my sometimes hare-brained ideas...lol. I know that good, bad or indifferent she will always be there for me. Just like I am there for her.

    While I live in my own little world, she lives and breathes the real world. I wish sometimes that I had her ability to see things with the clarity that she does instead of through my rose colored glasses.

    She wants to make a difference in the world, and I believe that she is succeeding.

    She's my sister...and I love her!

  2. Egad, I wasn't suspecting to start my day with a big cry-fest! I thought I could add to what Leslie wrote but she said everything I wanted to write. I love you both to pieces!
