Tuesday, March 13, 2012

Restoring America's Glory

I was just reading through the paper when I ran across the article by Don Newberry talking about honoring the U. S. Flag and America’s former glory.  It really reminded me of the things I have been through trying to stimulate some interest in our country right here in this county.

Post 9/11 when we were marching into Iraq, I helped form a Military Support Group.  We had several members and when we put on an event honoring those servicemen and women and their families, during that year’s summer festival, the crowd turned out in the “desert” heat to help do their part to support the cause.  After that event, the group quietly dissolved.
A year or so later, I tried and could only get one person interested in the support group again, so it died, even though we were still fighting the war.  I ended up giving the last of the money we had collected to the VFW. 

When, then Senator Obama began running for President in 2008, I was extremely alarmed by his lack of patriotism and by his tendency to only tell his current audience what they wanted to hear, changing it as he moved on.  His speeches seemed not to really have any substance, only insinuations to the great things he could accomplish if he could just get into office.  He promised many things, but had no way, even if elected, to be able to do them without overstepping the authority of the Office of President.  

Many things raised the red flag and I was drawn into politics, hoping to be able to something, anything to try to save this country…so I ran for Republican Party County Chair.  

During the course of the last couple of years, I have really tried to educate the public on how politics work and how important it is to know everything there is about the people we put in office, even at the grassroots levels of government. 

Do you know how many people turned out in February, to meet and hear candidates running for the U. S. Senate, House of Representatives, the State legislature and county offices.....or for a spot on the State Board of Education or Railroad Commission?  I’ll put it this way….we had more candidates than we did public.  It was embarrassing for our county and a disappointment to me because I do not know what else to do to wake up the sleeping giant of “we, the people.”  That was about the third or fourth event held to present the candidates to the public.  There will be one more in a few days and I guess we’ll see if anyone turns out for that.

We are losing rights every day.  We are in a desperate situation with our government’s handling of our treasury.  Our schools are not educating our children.  Conservative Americans are working hard and paying our taxes, only to see them go to support illegal immigrants, while our own children can’t afford to go to college.
We just had an oil pipeline along with who knows how many jobs, turned down by the liberal controlled White House and Senate, guaranteeing rising oil prices and a bigger welfare state.  The government is whittling down our military force and taking away their power and self esteem.  They are not protecting our borders, but are taking on power that should be left to the states.  The federal government even tells Texas, along with only a handful of other Southern states, which laws pertaining to voting, that have been passed by our State Legislature and signed by our governor, that they will ALLOW us to put into effect.

  Which candidates are going to get us out of this situation?  If your information is only coming from the media, you are probably misinformed.  Did you know that most people vote for a person because they recognize their name?  We should know what they stand for and if they will stand for us and with us especially when it gets tough to do so.

Are you voting for someone because your husband or wife is?  I have talked to several women that have told me just that.  I had one question me as to who was putting Christian based voting information on the church bulletin board and remarked at how silly it was.  Male or female, it is up to you as United States citizens to know who you are voting for.

So, local support of our military and our government candidates is much lacking.  But, you say, we do support God, go to church and we will pray and it will all be better.

Oh, wait!   Did I fail to mention that I also started the National Day of Prayer in this county two years ago to gather people to pray for our country.  We had about 20 people, show up if that many.  The county judge refused to allow us to hold it at the courthouse flagpole.  We had 4 ministers there.  Those are just the facts.

Last year, I was unable to do it and it did not get done.  This year, I sent out invitations to every single church in this county.  I invited them to send either their minister or prayer leader to a meeting so we could plan a big National Day of Prayer that would be held simultaneously in our three bigger towns.  Only ONE PERSON showed up.  If the ministers will not participate in the National Day of Prayer, can we expect the public to do so?  (FYI:  There is a coordinator for 2 of the 3 events.)

I was amazed as I was gathering information for the 40 churches here, at how hard it was to contact a minister of MOST of the them (…just a little side note.)

So, our country is falling apart, and in this county, not many seem to be too concerned.  Unfortunately, it is a similar story in other parts of the state and country as well.  

Just so you know, this article is not about me or what I have done.  It is about the fact that “we, the people” are losing our rights and there are very few of us in our comfortable, everyday lives, that are noticing, much less doing anything about it.
Our politicians seem to think that bashing their opponent is going to get them elected when what it does is turn voters off or away.

  Our ministers have fallen away over the last couple of decades, from having or wanting a voice in our government.  We have allowed the government to take away the “church’s” First Amendment rights costing us the right of our ministers to guide us in the direction of God fearing candidates and what they stand for.

The biggest falling away, however, is caused by apathy and selfishness of “we, the people.”  It is the incorrect mindset that the government is good and will make things right.  It is the mindset that our friends and neighbors will step up to the plate so we don’t have to.  It is the belief that our children’s ballgames are more important that who sits on the State Board of Education.  It is the concept that it is wrong for Christians to participate in government and that all they have to do is pray. 

We must wake up and begin to take this country back and get it on the right track.  We must see to it that the Constitution is restored to its intended meaning.  We must know who we are voting for.  We must pray for God to heal our land and we must act when God chooses to work through us. 

I know this has been a scathing rebuke to some of you, but I do not apologize for wanting this great country to regain her glory.  The ONLY way that is going to happen is if you and everyone you know and everyone they know will wake up and do something to make a difference.  Your children and your grandchildren will thank you for it.   


  1. Sharon, I just read your comment and I couldn't agree more. We Christans grip about no prayer in schools, about them trying to take away preacher and prayer on TV, and all we have lost, but we set on our hand and voice and do nothing but grip (and I'm sorry to say I'm one of the grippers). Tell us what we need to do to change what is happening in the world. All though pray is wonderful, sometimes God want us to stand up for Him and speak out.Thank you for all you are trying to do for us, keep up the good work.

  2. We must be pro-active in our areas of influence and we must be informed. That means that we must learn about the candidates we are electing BEFORE we elect them. We must spread the word about them. We must VOTE in every election from the school board to the President.

    One of my flaws is that I do not want to take the time to attend all of the meetings, like school board, city council, hospital board, county commissioners, etc. I just do not have time.

    We must gather together to have a bigger impact. (We have Republican Party meetings once per month. There are Tea Party groups in the surrounding counties at least once per month. I attend 2 Republican Women's groups every once in a while in other counties.)

    Be informed. I am going to a Freedom Works event in Dallas shortly to listen to Glenn Beck, Dick Armey, Matt Kibbe and others to see what they have to say. I get email newsletters and belong to several online conservative groups. I get news feed from the governor's office, all my reps and Sarah Palin.

    Write letters to the editor, to your representatives and to the president or mayor. Send emails to your friends and relatives to make sure they are informed about current events or something good or bad you have learned (factually) about a candidate or a bill that is going through Congress.

    Share concerns with your groups. Plan ahead for catastrophic events. We are in turbulent times. Learn how live off the grid and to can vegetables, grow a garden, or how to make a sun powered generator or dehydrator.

    There are websites to go to like Heritage.org or Popvox.com that are informative and/or pro-active.

    Above all these things, pray for God to show you what He wants you to do, then DO IT.
